Sometime back i had an idea of naming and shaming people who take or receive the bribes through technology. Due to other commitment I let the idea rest for a future date. Well, the other day i found out that someone also was thinking on the same line.
Meet, a wesite crowd sourcing the guilty ones. The website is aiming to to tackle corruption through the collective energy and goodness of Kenyans. many a time Kenyans see corruption as a problem within the government but the reality is corruption is much deeper problem rooted to the core our values. Government officials only involve with corrupt practices because they know they can easily get away with such evil acts.
That is where the citizens come in. If every Kenyan starts looking at corruption as evil act which is derailing everything good about Kenya and something which needs to fought through all means necessary then…then…. The reality is, majority of people look for short cuts and easily pay bribe when in trouble or when they want something to be done in their favour.
Back to the site. You can report on the nature, number, pattern, types, location, frequency and values of actual corrupt acts on this ipaidbribe. The report of the people paying or receiving bribes across the country gives snapshot of the most corrupt places in Kenya. Can this help Kenya ? I hope so, as the guys behind the site intend to use the reports from the site to argue for improving governance systems and procedures, tightening law enforcement and regulation and thereby reduce the scope for corruption in obtaining services from the government.
And they are appealing for you to register and report any recent or old bribes you have paid. As always the first step of getting rid of a bad habit is accepting the problem. You paid bribe or taken one? Head there and report it!!
Structure of the site:
On the site there are bribe stories, where to report the bribe and the reports about the corruption from different towns in Kenya
Bribe fighters:
This the part of the site collecting the details of the bribe paid or not paid. Other details included are the location, the name and the nature of the bribes given or taken.
Bribe Analytic:
For those who love graphs and info-graphs the site gives you a great analysis about the corruption in Kenya.
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