Once we learn the nature of our blessed Lord as fully revealed in the New Testament, we can then read the Old Testament and find it radiant with His glories. The veil was upon the face of Moses,and is still upon the hearts of unbelieving Israel, but where there is faith the veil is removed and the glories of Christ are manifested (2 Cor. 3:12-16).
Typical Persons
Many of the historical characters of the Old Testament were in one way or another types of our Lord. For example, in Isaac, we see Him as the Son of the Father, given up by Him in sacrifice (Gen. 22:2), received from the dead in a figure (Gen. 22:10-14), and for whom a bride – a type of the Church united to Christ – was secured (Gen. 24). In Joseph, we see the Son sent forth by His Father (Gen. 37:1-14), rejected by His brethren (Gen. 37:18-36), raised to the throne of glory during His rejection (Gen. 41:14-44), associated with a Gentile bride – the Church (Gen 41:45) – and finally made known to His brethren, whom He delivers out of the great tribulation (Gen. 45). In David, we see the man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14), suffering but exalted. And in Solomon, we have a picture of the wisdom and millennial glory of the true King of Israel (1 Ki. 10:23-24).
The Old Testament is filled with the doctrine of sacrifice. Here are just a few examples: the coats of skin with which our first parents were clothed (Gen. 3:13-21); Abel’s offering (Gen. 4:2-4); the sheltering blood of the Lamb during the passover (Ex. 12:2-13); the Levitical offerings – the burnt offering, the peace offering, the sin offering, the trespass offering and the meal offering (Lev. 6-7).
Aaron, the high priest, was evidently a type of Christ. The garments of glory and beauty with which he was adorned, all set forth some of the varied characters of our Lord. The inner garment of white linen tells of His spotless purity; the robe of blue speaks of His heavenly character; and the ephod represents Christ’s priestly service. The varied colors woven together in this priestly garment are peculiarly significant. Red speaks of His world-wide dominion; purple, of His Messiahship and royalty; blue, of His heavenly position; white, of His purity; and the gold, woven with all these, tells of His deity (Ex. 28).
This building was in many ways an evident type of Him who tabernacled among men. The curtains, with their materials and colors, we have already looked at in connection with His priestly garments. The covering of goats’ hair suggests His prophetic office. The rams’ skins speak of His devotedness unto death. And the outermost covering of badger or seal skins speaks of His separation from the world (Ex. 25-27).
We cannot enumerate the many glorious prophecies of our Lord in the Old Testament, so a few characteristic passages must suffice: Isaiah 53 presents Him as the Sufferer; Isaiah 63, as the King and Victor; Isaiah 50, as the One who can clothe the heavens in blackness, and yet who meekly yielded Himself in obedience to God. He gave His back to the smiters, His cheeks to them that plucked off the hair. He did not hide His face from shame and spitting. In Daniel, we see Him as “Messiah, the Prince” (Dan. 9:25); in Micah, as born at Bethlehem and yet the Eternal One (Mic. 5:2); in Zechariah, as the Shepherd that Jehovah smote with His sword (Zech. 13:7).
The Psalms are rich in the praises of Christ. Psalm 2 presents Him as God’s King in Zion; Psalm 8, as the Son of Man set over all the works of God’s hands; Psalm 16, as the Man of faith, who ever trusted in God; Psalm 22, as the Good Shepherd who gives His life for the sheep; Psalm 23, as the Great Shepherd, leading His flocks into the green pastures of heavenly blessedness; Psalm 24, as the Chief Shepherd appearing in glory; Psalm 40, as the burnt offering; Psalm 45, as the King; Psalm 69, as the trespass offering; Psalm 72, as Messiah’s world-wide kingdom. Perhaps the most amazing of all the testimonies from the Psalms is that of Psalm 102, the prayer of the afflicted One, pouring out His soul in strong crying to God: “I said, O My God, take Me not away in the midst of My days.” This is the cry of the suffering Man. God’s response is: “Thy years are throughout all generations. Of old hast Thou laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the work of Thy hands. They shall perish, but Thou shalt endure ... But Thou art the same, and Thy years shall have no end” (Ps. 102:24-27). The suffering Man is none other than the everlasting Jehovah!
Divine wisdom is speaking, the wisdom of God. He was before all creation: “Then was I by Him, as One brought up with Him; and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him ... and My delights were with the sons of men” (Prov. 8:30-31).
Beloved in Christ, this is the person who is revealed to us in the whole Word of God. Let us make more of Him. Let Him be more to us in our daily life, and in our encounters with others.
By Samuel Ridout
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